Learn the ropes and set sail with a welcoming community of sailors.
By Heather Wuelpern
When people think of Tucson, images of saguaros, roadrunners, or Sonoran hot dogs might come to mind. But sailing?
It’s not a joke. In fact, the Tucson Sailing Club set anchor in the Old Pueblo back in 1970 and has been tacking into the wind ever since. The club has a mission to “promote, protect, and foster the sport of sailing” as well as to encourage its members to “adhere to the rules of navigation and seamanship.” And perhaps the most important portion of the mission statement for the Tucson community is their goal to “promote and encourage sociability and friendship among its members.”
Kerie Seamans and Dan Prevost moved to Tucson from Boston. After feeling a bit landlocked, they longed for the ocean and the camaraderie that came along with boating. They remedied their need by purchasing a sailboat and started to learn the ropes together. While sailing in Lake Pleasant one sunny afternoon, they caught wind that there was a sailing club out of Tucson.
“We showed up to a monthly meeting out of curiosity and the club welcomed us with open arms, giving us sailing tips, inviting us to regattas and parties. It was fantastic!” Kerie said.
They have since joined the club and plan to move their boat to San Carlos, Mexico, where many of the members dock, sail, and race their boats.
Don’t feel intimidated if you don’t know the difference between the port and starboard sides of a boat because Tucson Sailing Club offers sailing lessons for beginners at Silverbell Lake in Tucson. Before you know it, you’ll feel the wind in your hair on your maiden voyage.
Or, if you’ve had your sea legs since you learned to walk, join the club’s active racing program with two regattas each year in San Carlos, Mexico. You might be lucky enough to win a trophy—even if you don’t, it will be a lot of fun simply being out on the water.
Whether you are already an avid sailor, a bit rusty, or would love to learn the basics, show up at a Tucson Sailing Club meeting at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Brother John's at 1801 N. Stone Ave. It’s a great way to socialize with people with whom you already have something in common.